Song of the moment: A New England ~ Billy Bragg
Background on The End of the Affair-
It was the one book in James Wood's class that he didn't really like and spent a lot of time trashing in contrast to Naipaul and Nabokov. And yet I loved it. Okay, so it's not quite as subtle in terms of language, but I think it's still really touching and beautiful.
Me in section: "What's wrong with a book that doesn't make you think but does make you feel?"
But then I spent the last two days writing a paper on it and now I am kind of like bleeehhhhh there is no subtext how can you write about style when there's just too much substance and everything's said so simply. Anyways, rereading it you discover all kinds of little nooks and crannies you didn't notice before. So here is one:
"Yesterday I went home with him and we did the usual things. I haven't the nerve to put them down, but I'd like to, because now when I'm writing it's already tomorrow and I'm afraid of getting to the end of yesterday. As long as I go on writing, yesterday is today and we are still together."
delightfully sentimental.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
free stuff > stuff you pay for
happy free cone day!
a story about free cone day:
I once missed an hour of work to go to free cone day. Meaning, I could have made ten dollars and bought myself three ice cream cones, but instead, I got one free ice cream cone.
I will go far for free food, a trait I inherited from my mother who taught me the fine art of acquiring Zabar's cheese tasters and Tasti d-lite samples.
At Harvard, it is really really easy to get free food. There is free food EVERYWHERE and ALL THE TIME. I think there should be an open list designated specifically to telling people where the free food at. And all this free food is for students who already have UNLIMITED FOOD. Can't I save some of these giant trays of pad thai and chocolate decadence finale cakes for when I am living off cup o'noodles and cat food?
a story about free cone day:
I once missed an hour of work to go to free cone day. Meaning, I could have made ten dollars and bought myself three ice cream cones, but instead, I got one free ice cream cone.
I will go far for free food, a trait I inherited from my mother who taught me the fine art of acquiring Zabar's cheese tasters and Tasti d-lite samples.
At Harvard, it is really really easy to get free food. There is free food EVERYWHERE and ALL THE TIME. I think there should be an open list designated specifically to telling people where the free food at. And all this free food is for students who already have UNLIMITED FOOD. Can't I save some of these giant trays of pad thai and chocolate decadence finale cakes for when I am living off cup o'noodles and cat food?
Monday, April 28, 2008
How do I feel about Jimmy Fallon taking over for Conan in 2009?
This is something I have been thinking a lot about lately in my quest not to write papers or think about the future.
Jimmy Fallon is one of those people like Carlos Mencia or Dane Cook who the alt-comedy blogosphere is not like all gaga about. It is really hard to like people when you read 80-100 snarkariffic blogs a day talking about how they do not like that person in an oh-so-subtle-yet-bitter way. I mean, you just start to agree. The blogosphere does not hate JFal quite as much as the other two but at the same time, a lot of people seem unhappy with his taking over for Conan. Meanwhile, despite the fact that he laughs in like 80% of his SNL sketches and despite the fact that his hair went through several unfortunate phases on the show and despite the fact that he did some shitty movies post-SNL, I still really really love him. Not quite as much as I did back when my screenname was IluvvJimmyFallon and he was my awkward skinny funny boy of the moment (between Seth Green circa 2001-2002 and Adam Brody circa 2005-2007), but I do still have a Jimmy Fallon pillow on my bed which my mommy made me for Xmas03. If you don't think he's actually talented, re-watch his impressions or his song parodies. Is that enough to carry a talk show five nights a week? Tal vez. But at the very least, he is pretty (although Sopen strongly disagrees with this fact, saying that his "bit" is that he's ugly) and semi-charming (not to be confused with semi-charmed). So I'm in. Jerks.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
i should be reading atonement right now
[[happy alone ~ earlimart]]
i guess sometimes the feeling of uselessness just creeps up on you out of nowhere. or maybe it's just been a particularly long weekend. the last normal, non-named harvard weekend. i can't help but look on each day as moments before the edge of a cliff. there will come a friday when i will just have to pack up all my shit and go back to new york and hopefully, at that point, i will have some idea of what i'm doing and not just curl up in a fetal position in my high school bed clueless clueless clueless and nursing a four-year hangover without the prospect of going downstairs and finding chicken rice soup to console me.
i usually hate writing personal shit on this. like emo-ness. but my own love of attention and inability to keep sad feelings to myself always gets the better of me.
when i think of how many times i have successfully walked up and down flights and flights of stairs (i've lived on the fifth floor twice) while reading a book, wearing high heels, or delightfully tips, it makes me really sad that sometimes i have no excuses and just manage to hurt myself b/c i'm dumb.
...said too much. the next entry will just be shallow pop culture criticizz, i promise.
i guess sometimes the feeling of uselessness just creeps up on you out of nowhere. or maybe it's just been a particularly long weekend. the last normal, non-named harvard weekend. i can't help but look on each day as moments before the edge of a cliff. there will come a friday when i will just have to pack up all my shit and go back to new york and hopefully, at that point, i will have some idea of what i'm doing and not just curl up in a fetal position in my high school bed clueless clueless clueless and nursing a four-year hangover without the prospect of going downstairs and finding chicken rice soup to console me.
i usually hate writing personal shit on this. like emo-ness. but my own love of attention and inability to keep sad feelings to myself always gets the better of me.
when i think of how many times i have successfully walked up and down flights and flights of stairs (i've lived on the fifth floor twice) while reading a book, wearing high heels, or delightfully tips, it makes me really sad that sometimes i have no excuses and just manage to hurt myself b/c i'm dumb.
...said too much. the next entry will just be shallow pop culture criticizz, i promise.
Friday, April 18, 2008
It is unlikely you will meet the love of your life on the subway
Awesome song of the mo: Can't Get It Right Today ~ Joe Purdy
I used to be like weirdly obsessed with the NYC subway. Despite the fact that it is gross and stank and filled with the juices of homeless people and despite the fact that my friend once got jizzed on by a crazy person in the subway, I thought the location was like crazy romantic. I wrote like three stories (well, 2 stories and 1 play) about people meeting in the subway. I used to think subway musicians were communicating with me through their choice of songs. I think I may have even included this fact in a college essay (which begs the question, Really, Harvard? Really? ~ Seth and Amy). I also used to think that it'd be really awesome to make out with a stranger on the subway and then leap off and they would spend the rest of their life wondering who you are.
That is why I'm all like omfg about SubwayCrush. It's like Craigs List missed connections, but more specialized and just as unlikely to set you up with your soulmate (read: that creepy person you kept staring at on the A train).
meow meow meow best website ever
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
t-t-t-t-t-touch me
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
i may chain myself to a tree and refuse to leave
the days pass by faster and faster. which leaves me feeling supes-emo. like all this talk of pre-frosh weekend and arts first weekend just reminds me that these are the last ones.
in honor, a haiku:
i don't have a job
i refuse to graduate
i will be homeless
Okay, so it's beautiful out. This is not consoling me.
Phrases that need to be used more often:
Heavens to Murgatroyd!
Finally, I watched the Golden Compass yesterday night in the SOCH (where they had FREE CANDY!!! and dr. pepper. eat your heart out, steiner.) And this guy was in it:

AMAZING! He drank your milkshake and rode your polar bear.
Does your brain ever start operating in lolcat language and you can't make it stop?
in honor, a haiku:
i don't have a job
i refuse to graduate
i will be homeless
Okay, so it's beautiful out. This is not consoling me.
Phrases that need to be used more often:
Heavens to Murgatroyd!
Finally, I watched the Golden Compass yesterday night in the SOCH (where they had FREE CANDY!!! and dr. pepper. eat your heart out, steiner.) And this guy was in it:
AMAZING! He drank your milkshake and rode your polar bear.
Does your brain ever start operating in lolcat language and you can't make it stop?
Monday, April 14, 2008
i am struck with occasional celebrity infatuation
This is adorable, the kind of thing that used to make me melt when I was obsessed with Jimmy Fallon and Adam Brody.
John Krasinksi imagines his alternate-universe life as a teacher, from Entertainment Weekly:
I go by Mr. K. I'm teaching English at a prep school in rural Connecticut. In my class, homework is not homework, it's preparation for the next day. I love teaching books that have been pigeonholed as ''epics,'' and my big thing is discovering for yourself why you like them. I'd have a lot of stuff written in some cryptic way on the whiteboard where you can't understand it until we start talking about the book. I'd throw desk supplies off bridges... I've gone out on several dates with the bio teacher. Her name is Sarah, and she's just a really great girl. I'm more gregarious than she is; she brings me into the underground indie-world stuff and I bring her sonnets. It's weird because the kids are talking about this new show called The Office and they're like, ''You guys are so much like Pam and Jim!'' and I'm like, ''I don't have a TV. Sorry, I'm not into pop culture stuff.''
Friday, April 11, 2008
happy weekend!!
my mom: It's pretty obvious that your blog was just a procrastination tool for not writing your thesis when as soon as your thesis is handed in, you completely stop writing in it.
I hate when people can see through you.
Some stuff that freaks me out:

A picture of a baby kangaroo.
Even worse, there is this video from a Japanese news show of a monstrous alien baby with maraschino cherries for eyes. It's severely freak-tastic and not for the faint of heart. On the other hand, i can't stop thinking about it. I'm not embedding it because I wouldn't want to force people (like K'idar Miller) to watch things that they are physically and emotionally unprepared to see, but having read this warning, if you are still interested, go here.
Speaking of things I am obsessed with, Leona Lewis's Bleeding Love is the catchiest song evah.
I hate when people can see through you.
Some stuff that freaks me out:
A picture of a baby kangaroo.
Even worse, there is this video from a Japanese news show of a monstrous alien baby with maraschino cherries for eyes. It's severely freak-tastic and not for the faint of heart. On the other hand, i can't stop thinking about it. I'm not embedding it because I wouldn't want to force people (like K'idar Miller) to watch things that they are physically and emotionally unprepared to see, but having read this warning, if you are still interested, go here.
Speaking of things I am obsessed with, Leona Lewis's Bleeding Love is the catchiest song evah.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
wtf is up with this ad?
So Woody Allen is suing American Apparel for putting up these ads which feature his image without his permission.

Is anyone else really confused by this ad? I have no idea how it is selling anything whatsoever besides perhaps fake beards. I think this is a prime example of post-irony or post-post-irony. Or maybe that's just what American Apparel wants you to think when really it is just an example of idiocy.
Here is the only possible translation of the ad I could understand/muster up:
We are sick of showing you half-clad hipster hotties looking coked out of their minds. This still from the movie Annie Hall represents a change in our policy. Now that bright-colored 80s spandex can be found at such mainstream retailers as Urban Outfitters and your local thrift store, we recommend going one step further in irony and wearing a long black robe, fake beard, and rabbi hat. You already have the glasses.
Is anyone else really confused by this ad? I have no idea how it is selling anything whatsoever besides perhaps fake beards. I think this is a prime example of post-irony or post-post-irony. Or maybe that's just what American Apparel wants you to think when really it is just an example of idiocy.
Here is the only possible translation of the ad I could understand/muster up:
We are sick of showing you half-clad hipster hotties looking coked out of their minds. This still from the movie Annie Hall represents a change in our policy. Now that bright-colored 80s spandex can be found at such mainstream retailers as Urban Outfitters and your local thrift store, we recommend going one step further in irony and wearing a long black robe, fake beard, and rabbi hat. You already have the glasses.
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