Awesome song of the mo: Can't Get It Right Today ~ Joe Purdy
I used to be like weirdly obsessed with the NYC subway. Despite the fact that it is gross and stank and filled with the juices of homeless people and despite the fact that my friend once got jizzed on by a crazy person in the subway, I thought the location was like crazy romantic. I wrote like three stories (well, 2 stories and 1 play) about people meeting in the subway. I used to think subway musicians were communicating with me through their choice of songs. I think I may have even included this fact in a college essay (which begs the question, Really, Harvard? Really? ~ Seth and Amy). I also used to think that it'd be really awesome to make out with a stranger on the subway and then leap off and they would spend the rest of their life wondering who you are.
That is why I'm all like omfg about SubwayCrush. It's like Craigs List missed connections, but more specialized and just as unlikely to set you up with your soulmate (read: that creepy person you kept staring at on the A train).
meow meow meow best website ever
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