Welcome to the epitome of romantic comedies. Inspired casting, an original title, a brilliant poster... Does anyone else feel like they've already seen this movie? If someone told me that this movie had come out two years ago, I would've totally believed them. Let me guess. Kate Hudson's character is whimsical and flighty. She is dating the uptight but loving Jason Biggs until along comes (UH OH) his best friend, ladies' man and overgrown fratboy Dane Cook. Hilarity ensues???
If Hollywood can make good universally-liked movies using genres normally reserved for men (The Dark Knight) and children (Wall-E), where is the good romantic comedy? this is poop.
good romantic comedy = WALL-E
good romantic comedy = Dan in Real Life (in spite of Dane Cook). I did not even mind Juliet Binoche who usually bugs the scrap out of me.
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