You know when you're a kid and you hear adults make reference to things like "balancing your checkbook," "doing your taxes" and "having an orgasm"? And you're like, 'Well, that sounds like something I might do when I'm older, but for the time being, I have no idea what you're talking about.' Well, the time is looming when I think I'm going to have to do my taxes. And whenever something like this comes up (e.g. getting health insurance, paying off my student loans), where the grown-up thing is to just figure out what to do and do it and the childish thing is to pretend you're still 15 and let deadlines pass causing massive catastrophic problems I can't possibly foresee, I usually choose the latter. I feel like I've heard that April 15 is the deadline somewhere... can someone do them for me? I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm having a very CalvinandHobbesian moment right now. Gosh, can't wait for the mom-ments on this post.
On a completely different note, Revolutionary Road proves that even Titanic-size love doesn't last. It's probably better that Leo drowned before his whole life went to shit.
1 comment:
Ah, Sweetie, I'll do your taxes for you! That's just about the ONLY thing left for m to do for you now that you're a Harvard Grad!!
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