
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm a sucker for this ish.

This article is kind of brilliant. The Observer's description of L'Homme Fatale fits in perfectly with my Spiderman/Seth Cohen theory of nerdy boys getting really hot girls nowadays and suddenly turning from self-deprecating to cocky. I have met so many of these LHFs and I'm happy that there's apparently even the slightest bit of backlash against it because now maybe there will be a return to authenticity in flirtation (jk that's never happened).

I should explain that the subject line refers to both me being a sucker for this type of guy and his oh-so-sensitive delivery as well as me being a sucker for pseudo-sociological blog posts and articles, especially ones about dating, relationships, or new types of guys & chicks AND especially ones that coin new terms ESPECIALLY when they're portmanteaus (which this one is not, but I'm just bringing this to people's attention in case they happen upon this kind of article and want to point them out to me).

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