If you haven't listened to The Gamut yet, please please do.
It's my new radio show with Sean Patton on Breakthru Radio where we take hot topics and dissect them. Kind of like The View, but with less middle-aged women and more sexual tension (although I am SURE that Whoopi and Elizabeth Hasselback get it on in the green room before every show). Our first guest is Brent Sullivan. Sean and Brent are two of my absolute favorite comics in NY who are both going to be stunningly famous in five years and then you will feel left out for not having been in the loop back when I told you to be. They're both extremely talented and I feel so fortunate to get to do this with them.
There's also a link on the page to download it as a podcast via iTunes, so if you enjoy hearing my raspy voice freaking out while you're on the treadmill on the gym, that is something you can totally do. I won't judge you for it. Although I do hate when people live lives healthier than mine (but that is an easy thing to do, hence me often full of hate).
Comments? Criticism? Ideas for topics? E-mail thegamutradio@gmail.com. I've been checking it like 3 times a day and even though I'm sure my mom is the only one who's going to send anything to it, I have high hopes that one day the volume of e-mail is going to be so overwhelming I am going to have to hire an intern to sift through it for possible secret admirers that I can date.
Also join the Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=336920866332&ref=mf
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