My apartment was cold. Really fucking cold. We didn't realize that we had heat because Barry was away on tour and had stored all his stuff in his closet and we weren't going to go through his closet and apparently that's where the controls to the heat were. So we suffered through the winter, wrapped in blankets, watching Jeopardy and eating Plump Dumpling. I spent three days working on a shoot for free and it was freezing. There was one day very early in January where I found out that I had gotten a job I really wanted and also worked on 50 First Jokes 2011 and I remember thinking that was the happiest day of my life. I got fired from that job like a month later, but that's another story.
The point is I'm pretty sure when I look back on my life I will think of this year as a year of great change. January-March, I will always remember as being miserable, freezing, really really hard months of my life where the shit hit the fan a few too many times and I was sure I was just an unlucky person. Then we got our apartment, I got my current job, we got our cats all in the span of the next two or three months. Between the job I got fired from and my current job, I met with some really amazing people who do really cool stuff in comedy and I'm so grateful to them that they took the time to meet with me, let me shadow them on shoots, gave me work to do, kept in touch via e-mail, etc. I did taxes by myself. Jake assembled a TV stand from Ikea and I set up Netflix Instant. I signed myself up for health insurance from my new job. At the end of the year, I sent out Xmas cards with a photo of my cats. That's who I am now, I guess. And even though I still don't feel like an adult yet and I still don't know what I want to do with my life, I feel 175 times closer to where I want to be than I did at the beginning of 2011. At the end of 50 First Jokes 2012, I thought about going home to my warm apartment with my warm cats. The vet said their normal body temperature is closer to 101 degrees and that's why they feel so warm to us.

I never, ever thought I would be here. I used to think of my resting state, and the happiest I could be, as drunk at a bar surrounded by comedians until 3 in the morning and now I think of it as home with my cats and my boyfriend watching Parks & Rec. I don't even like writing that because I am still getting used to the idea that this is how people grow up and change and ugggghhh I don't want to be a grownup and there are still nights when I am so happy being at a bar watching comedy. But I am happy to be warmer now. What a fucking year. Here's to 2012!
Loved this, love you! Happy 2012.
I am sooooooo proud of all that you so! It is about time the environment started to reflect the awesomeness that is you and your diligence. You deserve to be happy.
Don't be afraid of growing up. It does not mean being brave enough to roller blade down a hill without brakes. Bad stuff happens, good stuff happens, but if have a place to that filled with love, you will always be okay.
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