Yesterday Barry and I went to the RUS dessert discussion on feminism and pornography.
(Parenthetical quote:
Me: I'm just going for the desserts. I don't actually like feminism or pornography.
Sam Linden: You like both of those things.
Me: Oh, right.)
It was kuh-razy. Diamond magazine founder
Matt di Pasquale was on hand to explain how his "Maxim for Harvard" style magazine is going to be kinda sorta feminist, but definitely hot. It was a bizarre clash of cultures, which doesn't happen often enough at Harvard because besides being in a Harvard bubble, everyone is also encased in their own bubbles of extracurric involvement. For example, RUS people had to explain to diPasquale what feminism was and diPasquale had to explain to RUS people what Maxim was(or at least what Maxim-style nudity is, which gave diPasquale a chance to use the phrase "bra and panties," which made something inside me shrivel. it may have been one of my fallopian tubes, i'm not quite sure). The problem is that sometimes I'm not sure whether anybody walks away from these things knowing or thinking anything new because people are so stubborn going into it. Meanwhile, I walked away from it about half an hour early because Lost was on, so what do I know?
Syllabus of reading for today:
girls are actually funny after all. who knew? ~
why people love LenoAlso, it's really important that you read
my interview with former Daily Show/Colbert Report exec producer Ben Karlin, which I got to do for the Crimson's FM this week. Huzzah huzzah.
Finally finally, I want Gossip Geek to put me on their blogroll. How do I make that happen??? Nelson says I need to do something super-controversial so I'm thinking of taking some old sexandtheivy posts, adding a dash of megan mccafferty novel, and un pinchito of widener sex craigslist post and making a big old ATTENTION MIX 'EM UP. it's not plagiarism if it's a mix-em-up, is it?