In re: my post on creepy looking girls... writes about Charlotte from Lost: "She's also a little too attractive to be so smart." First of all, fuck you. Not all smart girls are ugly. Second of all, she is neither that smart nor that attractive. Ok, she might be smart. But she is definitely not attractive. She is overly pale and creepster city. Third of all, it's a TV show, let alone one where there are polar bears on a magical hidden time-traveling island. There are literally a hundred things wrong with that sentence. That's right, 100. Literally. I dare you to find them all. The first person to do so wins a prize.
Look at her picture again. Now look at a picture of Willow from BTVS as a vampire.
Tell me that is not what Charlotte looks like. Too pretty to be smart? S my D, collegehumor. For a website that prides yourself on such witty comedic gold as "Pretty Blonde Sorority Chick of the Week" and "8 Funniest Outdated Chapelle's Show References," that is just beneath you. (No offense to my two favorite contributors to collegehumor.)
thesis countdown: 8 days. my eyeballs are bleeding and my brain feels like someone took a poo inside my head. is that gross? sorry. anyone want to proofread 80 pages on improv for me?
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