This is horrifying and frightening. I am so glad I was raised by a young mom who let me dress myself in my own horrifying and frightening choices. Can you even imagine who these children are and who they're going to grow up to be? Reminds me of the Motherboy episode of Arrested Development.
Speaking of television, last night's episode of Lost made me cry. For a ridiculous and probably accurate theory on the entirety of Lost, go here.
Also on the topic of television, check out these new America's Next Top Model dolls:
So correct me if I'm wrong, but the one on the right looks Asian, no? Which is funny considering there have been 1 1/2 (East) Asians in the entire 10 cycles of Project Runway (and only like 2 South Asians besides that). That's out of 130 girls. One of the two (the half-asian one, obvs) was fierce, in the words of Christian Siriano, and one of whom was a total idiot. Like more of an idiot than most of the girls on that show. I mean, on Project Runway, there were Asian models in the fashion week shows and there are Asian models in Vogue and Elle. And Tyra makes SUCH an effort to be "diverse" in terms of black and white girls and in terms of making sure the winners switch off between black and white. But WHERE THE EFF are any Asian people on that show? I know this is not like a HUGE DEAL, but I'm just adding it to my list of grievances with Tyra Banks, who I'm pretty sure is the Anti-Christ. Okay, she is a human being who probably googles herself on a minute-ly basis so maybe it's not fair of me to say that, but really, put some Mothereffing Asian girls on your show. Or at the very least, don't pretend you have Asian girls on your show by making an Asian-looking ethnically-ambiguous doll when 99% of the girls on your show are BLACK OR WHITE. (this is not statistically accurate, but i'm sick of statistics b/c of my T-word.)
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