Is anyone else really confused by this ad? I have no idea how it is selling anything whatsoever besides perhaps fake beards. I think this is a prime example of post-irony or post-post-irony. Or maybe that's just what American Apparel wants you to think when really it is just an example of idiocy.
Here is the only possible translation of the ad I could understand/muster up:
We are sick of showing you half-clad hipster hotties looking coked out of their minds. This still from the movie Annie Hall represents a change in our policy. Now that bright-colored 80s spandex can be found at such mainstream retailers as Urban Outfitters and your local thrift store, we recommend going one step further in irony and wearing a long black robe, fake beard, and rabbi hat. You already have the glasses.
At least more than one candybean.
That was F$%$ing hilarious!!!
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