Thurs night: Saw Michael Showalter and Eugene Mirman perform stand-up at the MFA. THEY ARE PHENOM. I had no idea there were so many pseudo-Brooklyn hipsters living in Boston. And based on the fact that I was the only one who obnoxiously went "woo" when Showalter said he lived in New York, I decree that they are all poseurs. This is where Sam calls me a New York snob.
Friday: In approximately one hour, I will be interviewing Ben Karlin, former executive producer of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report for FM. How I got this job is beyond me

Friday night: Dins/Kroks concert. I'm kind of a huge all male a capella dork. Freshman year was all about the Dins. And now because of my main man, BShafs, I am kind of a Kroks convert. But dear lord, if there isn't something about boys in tuxedos snapping and having dorky, punny repartee... Now that I think about it, this might be my last time seeing both of them. Momentous. Also, there is a co-op party and a pudding party, my two favorite kinds of parties, except I probably won't go because Saturday is the All-Day. Instead, I will probably watch the episode of Lost I missed because I was too busy enjoying GODS OF COMEDY on Thursday night.
Saturday: CityStep All-Day. OMG My last one. I always said that if I got to be the Exec Direc, I'd make my one lasting contribution to make this an hour later and guess what, I did. So you're welcome. After that, post all-day uno's? Birthday parties galore. Collapse into delicious 13-hour glorious sleep and wake up well-rested and ready for a new week... this may or may not happen. More likely, I will wake up at 2 pm, realize my room is a disasterzone and force myself to eat golden split pea soup while wearing the biggest possible hooded sweatshirt.
Are you ever late to things because you're updating your blog? No... just me? Fiddlesticks, must depart.