9:00 pm Things were super fun for about five minutes. Then people peaced out. People are freaking out because the Sweeney list is too long.
9:03 Sam Linden claims he has perfect pitch. I forgot about how much fun it was spending our fall common casting together. Steve Travierso looks cute in a blazer...

9:10 Kara's wearing a sassy half-pony and doing her typical bound. Sam is trying to teach me how to do accents.
9:18I find my inner voice but can't understand it because it because it speaks only in Bantu.
9:20 I attempt to go to the bathroom but have little success.
9:31 Sting performs "Hits of the HRDC."
9:50 Sweeney auditions are over. Matt Stone is clearly jealous that more people want to try out for Sweeney than Castaways, even though only a quarter of the school is even allowed to audition for Castaways. His eyes are too big and salamander-y to pull off the whole bitter, jaded thing.
9:53OMG Someone hijacked my computer and wrote scurrilous things (Dflanz' word). This is a travesty. For the sake of posterity and the integrity of my liveblog, I will not be deleting what they liveblogged. However, I am italicizing what the mystery blogger wrote so that I don't get blamed for their UNFUNNY-NESS.
9:55 Jonah just asked me if I wanted to go to PleasureTown. Matt Stone and Nelson leave to make love.
9:56 Derek Flanzreich would like to be referred to as a sex symbol. KDancewicz wants to be referred to as "rising campus star." They both look like assholes. The gossipgeek fame is going to DFlanz' head.
9:59 Jonah, Sam and I relive Children of Eden... as I do most of my life. This is a result of Sam unnecessarily harmonizing with crappy pop songs really loudly, per usual.
10:25 Every play and their mom has peanut butter cups. What the eff is up with that? I mean, I love them, but really... ORIGINALITY, PEOPLE. Sam keeps calling "Blasted" the only play with two forms of anal intercourse. I declare myself the only blogger with two forms of anal intercourse... I'm not really sure what that means.
10:30 Jonah and Kia are on the swing. Jonah is making faces at me. Kyle and I miss Ben Steiner. Literally. Caroline Rose is reading the Bible. Rilo Kiley plays faintly.
10:45 OBenz is trying to rival-blog me. She thinks she's been blogging longer than I have, but she has no idea... Jonah words of wisdom: "If you can't sing for a gremlin, you can't sing for an audition." I just discovered Photo Booth.
10:49 I think my blog needs some G.O.G.A. (girl on girl action, not to be confused with BOBA), so I ask Tisa to make out with me. DFlanz tells WKlyce that these are the best two days of his life because he's seen him twice. I smell bromance.


10:53 Tisa Vo has contracted the Rendang.
10:59 It just got a whole lot more fergalicious in here. I'm surrounded by acapeople. Kyle just asked me if I was still auditioning for things and was shocked and chagrined that, in fact, I am not.

DFlanz said he loves it when I talk dirty to him. Eat your heart out, gossipgeek.
11:08 Barry and Alison are literally whoring themselves out for people to audition for Children's Theatre. Barry attempts the Zac Efron dance. Alison screams at Kyle, "They're never going to call you!!!" A peanut butter cup fight breaks out.
11:09 Calm has been restored to the Ex. Matt Bohrer and Kyle are both practicing their Sweeney songs softly in my ears at the same time. It's a little weird, and by weird, I mean hot.

11:10 CRoseG: "Why is the Bible, like, so random?"
11:14 OBenz: "I remember these balls. They're so much fun." TVo: "I want to play with the balls too." This room is full of SLUTS. JEZEBELS.
11:16 OBenz: "See? Guys think I'm cute because I dance badly." I am currently judging her. With love.
11:20We named the Gremlin "Princess Gremmykins the 14th." Tisa says I need to leave for mental health reasons.
11:23 Things are getting lame, so I have resorted to survey questions. Kevin Ferguson and Tisa have the same favorite sex toy... THE RABBIT. Scoped! Sara Wright's favorite pump-up jam is "Lose Yourself" by Eminem. I think the night is coming to an abrupt close... (Tisa: "Seems pretty drawn out to me.")
11:27 Good night, dear readers. See you tomorrow... you know you love me. gossip girl.
Where were you all night? I was in the Ex. now I'll never be on your stupid blog.
Could you put my name on the Sweeney list?
I HAVE been blogging on my blog for longer than this blog. That's all I'm saying.
And I am NOT trying to outblog you. You would always win.
wait I tried to leave a comment but I don't think it worked...my comment said: you're liveblogging! my favorite thing is your name abbrevs — can I be RKessler? or RKess? something clever (you're better at portmanteaux)...but only if you saying nice things about me.
Now I'll really have to keep being entertaining. Seems like I'm doing OK so far :)
No mention of my unprompted jazz-hands entrance last night, but I'll let that one go, since our sentimental moment made it on.
is it wierd that i can't tell if the person in the background of the last picture is megan savage or sam linden?
it's actually tisa...
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