8:28 The HRDC Board attempts to sell T-shirts. Beth Shields models. Ben Glaser: "I don't think I can adequately see the T-shirt while it's on you."
8:30 Rachel Flynn wants to be referred to as Rachel "sweetass" Flynn. I think this is a name you have to earn. Feel better, Rheeq.
8:33 People are damn demanding. It's like they want to be blogged about, but they only want to be blogged about positively. Matt Stone wants me to mention his big, watery eyes... case in point:

His youthful vibrance is positively exhausting.
8:39 Jonah: "Don't think you're better friends with him now than me. I know his favorite colors and animals and stuff. And I know the places he likes to be touched in the night."
Sachi: "You know I'm going to blog about this, right?"
Jonah: "Let the world know, I'm not ashamed."
8:44 Ben Glaser is trying to enlist Matt Stone for Satire V ("Have you ever considered employing your humorous potential for other media... like the written word?).

8:55 A move to the Ag. Far classier here.

A tender moment between Jonah and Arlo. I think it looks like it should be in a Harvard admissions brochure.
Rachel: So I was in class today and the teacher- I mean, professor, I'm not four.
Caroline: You're not poor? What?
9:05 Barry takes out a really delicious looking sandwich.

9:08 Apparently, the last picture was too happy. Here's a judgier one.

Shrink Arlo assesses Jonah's problems. He has a lot of them.
9:12 The conversation turns to how fast it takes people to take a bra off and whether people keep their eyes open or closed. Barry shows us his making out face.
9:15 Gus, Barry and Rachel think I should start my thesis with one of the following things...
-Some people think improv is a pre-cursor to sketch. They are wrong.
-From the dawn of time...
-Improv is fun. That's what I used to always think.
-Webster's dictionary defines improv as...
9:17 Freshmen are doing work. I should probably work on my thesis.

9:20 Caroline says she is having problems with her tank top.
My response: You're not showing any more skin than you did in Respectably French, am I right?
::blank stares::
Me: Oh come on, nobody watches Respectably French???
Caroline: I've actually watched it a lot of times.
Me: You mean a lot of... times?
Caroline: ...
Where is Ben Steiner when you need him??
9:30Rachel gets frustrated that her "Sketches" compatriots are nowhere to be found and tells us we're all called back. 9:31Sara Wick shows up, meaning Barry and I do indeed have to audition. We do a steamy love scene.
9:45Peace out! Project Runway time!!!! Here's hoping Ricky gets strangled by his hats.
I see that the lame factor has greatly increased since my absence. So sad...
p.s. Rachel "sweet ass" Flynn has made her first blog appearance. She should be happy now.
Beth did not take off her T-shirt. Matt Stone did not join Satire V. I am a failure.
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