I'm liveblogging common casting tonight, so come by anytime this week to relive the mayhem.
7:00 Ok, so kind of late, but better late than never. It's like medium energy level at the EX. No swing. When I was a freshman, I really wanted to be confident enough to get up on the swing, but was terrified I would hurt myself.
7:03 Matt Bohrer informs me I smell like flowers. HRDC president Allison Kline looks authoritative and hot. Super hot. Also, she doesn't want me to liveblog about her, but I told her that if she's going to be the HRDC president, she has to prepare to be an A-list campus celebrity. Fame is hard.
7:11 "Harvard theatre veteran" Barry Shafrin directs my attention to Jason J. Wong's op-ed on race and theatre.
I think it's actually really good and not as controversial as everyone seemed to be worrying about. I will mull it over and have more to say when I'm not trying to be pithy and hilarious... and failing.
7:20 omg I just figured out that they have play-doh. this is a momentous occasion.
7:22 AKline thinks I'm being creepy and tells the Ex that when she is old, her grandkids will think blogs are lame. The Beauty and the Beast soundtrack is over and they have moved on to the Nutcracker. I think I should check out the Ag...
7:38 The Ag is so quiet.. no music. :( Also too bright for my tastes. Rheeq and I ran into Mamram on our way here and she tap danced on the steps of the Ag for me. It was soups hot. Now Rheeq is sick of me telling people about the liveblog and has developed a sass. That's right. A sass.
7:45 Kia McLeod just put on JT... That's right, it's a party. Caroline Rose feels like she is being watched. Isn't this the quintessential issue in sociology/academics/blogging/stalking? How best to capture a moment without changing it by attempting to capture it... THINK ABOUT IT.
7:52 HRDC President emeritus Kara Kaufman just made an appearance calling for Sweeney. Her boobs look really pretty, all of them. Ms. Scharff would be P.O.ed. I tried to make her say, "This is my last Common Casting," but she refused. One of these days, we're going to have to deal with it.
8:28 PEAK TIME!!! I just auditioned for Twelfth Night. Candy report: Peppermint patties, peanut butter cups, gummi worms. The Ex is hopping now. Kind of. Except that they are playing Beauty and the Beast AGAIN. Mamram report: On the move, heading to the Ag, writing a song about AKline. Jonah Priour has a medium beard. Less than he had when he was shooting for some VES movie. But more than usual. He says he is trying to look manly for Sweeney, but I informed him that Sweeney is a barber and would never let his beard get scruffy... or anyone else's.
8:30 Jack Fishburn just squeezed play-doh through his fingers and said "This is what Harvard theater does to me." But Dan Pecci says that it guarantees you a part in a Ben Stiller film... So I suppose you win some, you lose some.
8:34 OMG. The duchess (arich) and I just found mikehoagland.com, thanks to the petch.
8:43 wow, it just cleared out. but petri wants me to announce her entrance. and let me tell you, she is here. and stealing people's textbooks. dan pecci doesn't like smart people. also he said he is responsible for rape and suicide. MORE IMPORTANTLY, ben rigged up the swing in the dark. it is miraculous.
9:02 Alana Ju wants me to liveblog her giving me a lap dance. But it's far more difficult than I thought it'd be because I need my computer to be on my lap to liveblog. The Jekyll & Hyde crew emerges from their Rehearsal Room lair. Jonah and I are going to audition for the Freshman Musical together... we have big things planned.
9:15 Ali, Petri, Chris Schleicher and I are learning the Zac Efron Bet On It dance via YouTube.
9:43 The Ag is now far inferior to the Ex. Except that Paige Martin aka She Who Walks on Her Hands and the Magnificent Claire Eccles are here.
10:00 I brought 3 balls from the Ex to the Ag and was attempting to juggle. None too successfully.
10:15 Home for the night... Kara and I share a sentimental moment. Only four days left. :( See you tomorrow!
you are the lamest.
i heart you.
yea, that editorial isn't that cray cray. I think we'll say something when I am cast as Elle Woods in "Legally Blonde"!
keep up the liveblogging sachikins! this is way more exciting than the big TH-word
i luv ur blog
let's meet up sometime
yeah i luv ur blog 2.
we're still doing that audition.
I was in the Ag for 3 of these 6 hours and I didn't see you once.
Which means I wasn't blogged about.
Which means I'll never be an A list campus celebrity.
Life sucks.
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