
Monday, February 22, 2010

just dance!

this video made me miss dance/choreo. not that it's the best choreo or dancing i've ever seen, but it has a level of theatricality/mixture of styles that reminds me of stuff like citystep/eden/fap/etc.

at what point do you resign yourself to a lack of limelight? i remember thinking in college that even if i couldn't rock the comedy world or the dance world at harvard (and by rock, i mean be better than everyone else since i have impossibly high standards for myself), i at least consistently managed to get a little bit of both into my life and bridge the gap between those two worlds. but out of college, you have to make decisions b/c nobody will pay you to do a little of everything. my job now excites me and has something new to offer every single day, but it's still within one very specific realm. the world is so much bigger than harvard or hunter that it's hard enough just committing to two different types of comedy (improv and stand-up) let alone anything outside of those. i could still take dance classes if i had time EVER and i know a couple of guys who would have no problem with a weekly trip to la caverna, but part of me wonders if i'll ever get the opportunity to dance onstage again.

now that i think about it, isn't our generation the first that was pushed to such extracurricular greatness? might there be a market for this (and didn't i write my thesis about this re: improv)? there's a whole generation of post-collegiate overachievers who are probably working a job they like (or hate) but still want to flex some muscle they no longer get to. what if there's a boom in amateur literary mags, a capella groups, dance recitals, and community theater?

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