
Sunday, May 18, 2008

pamu, pamu pamu... san.

[[Party's Over ~ Nicole Atkins & the Sea]]

You shouldn't have to throw away your whole life. Maybe it was all the moving when I was little. I lived in twelve different apartments before I turned twelve. So now I'm kind of a packrat. I had three big binders on my shelf-- CityStep, thesis, Children of Eden-- and yesterday, I threw out all the papers in them. Senior sale-ing makes me sad.

I am obsessed with this video. Soooo funny.

Japanese TV is bizarre. And that exercise stuff Steve Carell does-- they really do that in Japanese offices and schools.

Yesterday was a good day. Aquarium, improv show, berryline, beautiful weather, party, dancing, quincy grille, late-night cookies... denial is a beautiful thing.

1 comment:

Ryder said...

love that office video too. brill.

also brill: the laughterbirth show! you are amazing!

and though you may throw out the papers and binders, you're not throwing out your life: the memories, friendships, etc., don't end when you move out of eliot — they'll follow wherever you go!